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print media

Articles in music education

in the magazine "ueben & musizieren"

since 2008


sheet music & recordings

in DasOrchester

since 2008

other articles

for various music magazines and parent magazines such as SONIC, Eurowinds, Brawoo and the family magazine Fratz & Co

since 2010

Interview with
Kristin Thielemann

You can find several interviews in various music or family magazines and newspapers. Read here .


Interested in an interview? You will receive exclusive tips on making music with children and on motivating them in instrumental lessons.

print media

Als Autorin schreibe ich auf Anfrage für verschiedene Musikmagazine.

Meine Texte erscheinen beispielsweise hier:

üben & musizieren DasOrchester Musik, Spiel und Tanz BRAWOO SONIC Stretta Journal Fratz & Co Volksmusikerbund NRW Blasmusik4U

Articles in music education

in the magazine "ueben & musizieren"

since 2008


sheet music & recordings

in DasOrchester

since 2008

other articles

for various music magazines and parent magazines such as SONIC, Eurowinds, Brawoo and the family magazine Fratz & Co

since 2010

Interview with
Kristin Thielemann

You can find several interviews in various music or family magazines and newspapers. Read here .


Interested in an interview? You will receive exclusive tips on making music with children and on motivating them in instrumental lessons.

print media

Pressefotos oder weitere Texte finden Sie hier. Das Passwort erhalten Sie auf Anfrage

Articles in music education

in the magazine "ueben & musizieren"

since 2008


sheet music & recordings

in DasOrchester

since 2008

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