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Many of my editions for teaching the trumpet are well-known.

Trumpet teachers use them as supplementary material in their lessons and for concerts.


There are also many pieces of music that are very often played in music competitions for children and young people or music exams.

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Mein erstes Konzert

Originalwerke für den Anfangsunterricht

To every young musician, the first concert is a special experience. The choice of the 'right' performance piece is of vital importance: It should be technically and musically manageable, make a strong impression and give great pleasure in practising.
The edition My First Concert contains easy pieces for trumpet in B flat and piano for music lessons and first auditions. The selection of the works invites the performer on a trip through various music epochs – starting from 16th-century music via Baroque, Classical and Romantic to contemporary music. The musical journey through time ends in pleasant, modern pieces from the areas of pop and rock music which would add variety to lessons.

Most pieces can be played after 1-2 years of music lessons. Approaching the works is made easier by the enclosed CD which contains all pieces as a demo version and as a play-along version with just piano accompaniment. The edition also contains an easy piano part for accompaniment. It is deliberately kept simple so that the piano accompaniment can also be played by students – for example at concerts in music schools or at competitions.

Download or sheet music available.

James Hook

Sonatas and Concert Pieces

with audio recording by Prof. Reinhold Friedrich

A contribution to make the classical period accessible to the trumpet: Of medium difficulty, Kristin Thielemann's arrangements of performance pieces and sonatas by James Hook (1746–1827) are ideal for tuition as well as for auditions and competitions.


Several songs of Hook were arranged as instrumental pieces and serve as a good start into this repertoire. More advanced players may try the sonatas. Apart from the frequently played Sonata Op. 99/3, even lesser known sonatas might be interesting for the trumpet because of their well-chosen keys.

Download or sheet music available.

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Klassik für Kinder

Die Zeitreise für junge Trompeter*innen

This edition provides young pupils with an access to classical music. Apart from pieces they may already know, like melodies from the Magic Flute, Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 or Vivaldi's Four Seasons, they also get to know other works from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods. The pieces are set in a pupil-friendly register and were deliberately recorded on CD in a moderate tempo. In order to encourage joint music-making, the piano accompaniment is such that it can also be played by piano pupils.


Easy Concert Pieces

Volume 3


Volume 3 is of medium difficulty and intended for players with a well-developed embouchure who can play notes up to written g”, though this note only appears as a short top note. Flexible articulation and legato playing with a well-developed dynamic range are required for pieces that are longer than those in the preceding volumes.

Easy Concert Pieces

Band 2

für leicht Fortgeschrittene

Difficulty level: easy to medium - includes works up to a maximum of the notated f ''. In addition to the expanded rhythm spectrum and slightly increased requirements in terms of phrasing and articulation, these works are suitable for working in a more musically differentiated manner.

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Music education

After her publication about motivation music lessons «Voll motiviert» became one of the best-selling publications in practical music education, her music guidebook for parents «Jedes Kind ist musikalisch» (i.e. every child ist musical) has already been translated into Chinese language.


In preparation there is a publication about how to teach restless students or adhd children.

Available in German from January 2021 on.

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«Ganz schön wild! Besondere Schüler entspannt unterrichten»

von Kristin Thielemann

für Musiklehrkräfte

Who does not know the lessons in which students are jittery and distracted - hardly able to concentrate on the content and making music. Kristin Thielemann presents strategies that are easy to implement to enrich your own lessons in such a way that easily deflectable bundles of energy, special pupils or children and young people affected by ADHD can learn successfully and with motivation.

« Pretty wild!» teaches strategies for successful music education practice with wild” pupils and encourages them to go a special way with these special minds”. A way that makes it possible to arrive in the world of music and be happy there. As a special plus, you will find valuable information in this publication to minimize stress caused by lessons with restless pupils.

In Vorbereitung

Successful online teaching

Max Gaertner & Kristin Thielemann

for music teachers

Digital teaching requires some knowledge of the technical equipment. You will find material on this, which will enable you to start your online lessons quickly and easily.
Even with digital teaching, there can be no magic recipe that can be transferred to everyone and that always fits. Good pedagogy lives from reacting to people and situations and from having a wide range of ideas and experiences. This is given to you here.


In addition to technical tricks, methodical approaches and motivation tricks for online lessons, you will find a variety of impulses for brain-friendly learning, digital projects and useful apps. Want to take over lessons.

Jedes Kind ist musikalisch

von Kristin Thielemann


This parents guidebook gives a variety of suggestions on how to integrate music into everyday family life from the birth of their child on, and gives instructions on singing with children. The book provides information about courses in elementary music practice and gives tips when deciding on the suitable instrument.


In addition, this guidebook provides scientifically sound background knowledge on the positive effects of music. The accompanying CD offers songs, sound samples for instruments and musical dream trips for children.


The ideal present for the birth!

So far only available in German and Chinese.

Chinese version includes extra chapters in how to train the perfect pitch and how to support highly talented children.

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Motivating music lessons

«Voll motiviert»

by Kristin Thielemann

for music teachers

Motivation is the key to success. But how do we support our students in such a way that they retain the desire to make music over the long term? What can we do to make them enjoy practicing?


Kristin Thielemann presents tried and tested recipes for success that are supplemented with creative and easy-to-implement ideas. Benefit from psychological tips on how to design lessons and the basics of storytelling as well as from building blocks for an unforgettable student prelude and new impulses for your everyday teaching.


Become a motivational guru for your students!

So far only available in German.

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